Ellis shares ‘hell’ featuring Chastity

Ellis press photo
Photo credit: Stefani Montani

‘nothing is sacred anymore,’ the new EP from Ellis (the project of Hamilton, Ontario-based musician Linnea Siggelkow) is out now. She has shared a final single from the release, a track entitled hell that is a collaboration with the artist Chastity (aka Brandon Williams). The EP is her first new music since the release of her debut full length ‘Born Again,’ and has so far been hailed as some of her most emotionally intimate work to date. It feels appropriate in that context that the EP’s final single features Williams, who is her partner, and explores the idea of the afterlife, recalling the religious upbringing that was a major theme of her first album. You can watch the video clip for Ellis’ hell featuring Chastity via YouTube below.

What happens to us when we die?” Siggelkow asks. “Obviously I don’t know for sure but I think the concept of hell in a traditional sense is very strange. Thinking about it as a place that exists in the afterlife feels like it discounts all the real and shitty things that people endure in this lifetime. Hell exists on earth, we see it all the time. I like to think that death isn’t the gateway to hell, it’s some kind of freedom from it.

Ellis nothing is sacred anymore EP cover artwork

‘nothing is sacred anymore’ track list
1. Dopamine
2. Hospital
3. What If Love Isn’t Enough
4. Hell

‘nothing is sacred anymore’ EP is out now and you can order it here.

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