Nashville/New York-based band Fly Golden Eagle have shared their new single Stepping Out, along with a music video by Tame Impala collaborator, Yoshi Sodeoka. Their double single release, Almond Milk, is out now via Telefono. Watch the video clip for Stepping Out via YouTube below.
Almond Milk is Fly Golden Eagle’s first release of 2021. The double singles were recorded at Niles City Sound in Fort Worth, Texas, studio home of Leon Bridges.
The two psych-rock tinged songs that make up Almond Milk are of a different vibration than the songs on their last full-length release, ‘Leprechauns’ Milk’ (2020, Soft Junk/Blacktooth Records), though they were culled from the same sessions in time. Their titles are Sheila and Stepping Out.
Fly Golden Eagle said about Almond Milk: “With space, it was understood that they worked very well on their own, together. They could add-up to create another wave of greater amplitude than either of the two could on their own. This is called constructive interference. The opposite is also true. They could also be subtracted from each other and would form another wave of less amplitude than either would naturally do. Destructive interference. Like a yin and yang, peaks and valleys, elation and the dumps, Almond Milk is deliciously powered by lived experiences and contains essential enlightenment and figurals.”
More about Fly Golden Eagle
Fly Golden Eagle was formed in Nashville by singer, guitarist Ben Trimble and now includes Matt Shaw (Bass), Richard Harper (Drums), Ricardo Alessio (Keyboards), Alejandro Santoyo (Percussion). Fly Golden Eagle is an unlicensed New Thought minister and has an extensive background in drilling holes in the tops of baseball bats and stringing them up flagpoles with red lace. As well as wine. Fly Golden Eagle has appeared on many stages and many popular radio shows around the world, mainly in the United States and United Kingdom. Fly Golden Eagle is based near bodies of water.
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