Stereolab will reissue, via Duophonic UHF Disks, three volumes of their ‘Switched On’ compilation series: 1992’s ‘Switched On,’ 1995’s ‘Refried Ectoplasm [Switched on Volume 2]’ and 1998’s ‘Aluminum Tunes [Switched on Volume 3]’. Each disk has been remastered by Calyx Mastering of Berlin.
Initial vinyl copies of each disk will be pressed on clear vinyl. The clam shell CD boxset will include all 3 compilations in individual card wallets plus an insert. Each of the albums will be available via Spotify / iTunes etc upon release but listen to two tracks now.
Lo Boob Oscillator :
Pop Quiz :
Switched On LP track listing
A1. Super Electric
A2. Doubt
A3. Au Grand Jour’
A4. The Way Will Be Opening
A5. Brittle
B1. Contact
B2. Au Grand Jour
B3. High Expectation
B4. The Light That Will Cease To Fail
B5. Changer
Refried Ectoplasm [Switched On Volume 2] LP track listing
A1. Harmonium
A2. Lo Boob Oscillator
A3. Mountain
A4. Revox
B1. French Disko
B2. Exploding Head Movie
B3. Eloge D’Eros
B4. Tone Burst [Country]
C1. “Animal Or Vegetable [A Wonderful Wooden Reason…]” [Crumb Duck]
D1. John Cage Bubblegum
D2. Sadistic
D3. Farfisa
D4. Tempter
Aluminum Tunes [Switched On Volume 3] LP track listing
A1. Pop Quiz
A2. The Extension Trip
A3. How To Play Your Internal Organs Overnight
A4. The Brush Descends The Length
A5. Melochord Seventy-Five
A6. Space Moment
B1. Iron Man
B2. The Long Hair Of Death
B3. You Used To Call Me Sadness
B4. New Orthophony
C1. Speedy Car
C2. Golden Atoms
C3. Ulan Bator
C4. One Small Step
D1. One Note Samba / Surfboard
D2. Cadriopo
D3. Klang Tone
E1. Get Carter
E2. 1000 Miles An Hour
E3. Percolations
E4. Seeperbold
F1. Check And Double Check
F2. Munich Madness
F3. Metronomic Underground (Wagon Christ Mix)
F4. The Incredible He Woman
For more information on the reissues, visit